Hello! I am Alcides Burn from Brazil and my job is to make the images that you imagine to come true right before your eyes. I’ve been a graphic artist for over 20 years. My speciality is the world of heavy metal music. I create arts for CD, LP, DVD, inserts, merch, social networks, etc. I have already worked with important metal bands such as:
Nervosa, LockUp (UK), Bark (Belgium), Krisiun, Funeratus, Keep of Kalessin (Norway), Blood Red Throne (Norway), Zerozonic (Norway), Acheron (USA), Reapter (Rome), Paradise in Flames, Rebaelliun, Nervochaos, Eskröta, Desalmado, Lockdown, Desdominus, Projeto Revolta, Headhunter D.C., Decomposed God, Infested Blood and more...
I was recently invited by the Brazilian publisher specialized in heavy metal books, Estética Torta, to create the covers of two books.
The new Brazilian editions of Lords of Chaos and The Bloody Reign of Slayer
Some of my works have been published in magazines and books: Arte Arcana - Lucifero and HMA # 12, and Arte Arcana - Death both released by the UK Heavy Music Artwork. Radio Lomabardia (Italy) Diário de Pernambuco, one of the most important newspapers in my state (Pernambuco), published a one-page article about my work. Interviews for online magazines: Versus (Portugal) and Rock Meeting (BRA)
My work was also featured in the art exhibition of one of the biggest festivals in Brazil, Abril Pro Rock
Photo by Thiago Linhares